Thursday, 31 December 2009
How Baby Bow was Born ♥...Sugar days gone by...♥

Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Ive been in Miami B*tch!

Saturday, 26 December 2009
I dont exercise... If God had wanted me to bend over, he would have put Diamonds on the floor ♦

Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Finding the Diamonds, in the Dirt ♦

- Daddy should have a high net worth
- Daddy should be willing, and able to have this relationship, and understand what it entails
- Daddy should know what he wants
- Daddy should have his own business, be a CEO, or be retired!
Now, this might seem a little strange, but I have reasons behind them.
High net worth: Obvious reasons, the higher the worth, the richer the man, the more suitable a contender to be a sugar daddy. That said, if he is worth 100Mil but has homes here there and everywhere, an ex wife, 10 children at private school, a jet to fuel... where is my Birkin going to come from? I don't want him to have to re mortgage a house to keep my feet wrapped in Choo and my neck wrapped in Diamonds. The income needs to be disposable, or, at least, he will want to share his 'lifestyle' with you.
Willing and Able: Sometimes we come across potential sugar daddies, who haven't played the game before, or don't know what it entails. They seem shocked at the basics, and these people I write off asap, if not sooner.! There are far too many sugar big fishes in the sea, to play e-mail ping pong with someone who wont cut to the chase, or who you feel uncomfortable bringing the important stuff up with. We may come across men who are willing, but don't have the means to go ahead - be in financially, mentally, physically, tied up time, etc. We may come across men who are able in these ways - but are not willing. Discard these daddy's, but don't cut ties in a hasty manor.
Know what you want: Just as you should be clear on what you want - you want daddy to be the same. I think its best to dive straight in, negotiate if needed, and respectfully make your intentions clear. Its not unusual for 'the talk' to not come up, date after date, and before you know it things have gotten confused and you don't know how to say it. I believe this is the mans role, and they should lay an offer on the table. If they are not, give them a nudge. If they don't respond, send them a text/e-mail being honest and truthful about how you feel (if its awkward to ask, say so) and ask them how they would like to go forward. Never worry about 'loosing' a potential for being honest. You are both there for a reason. If he is a business man, he will understand negoation and appreciate you being 'up front'. Your on his grounds now, and he should take the lead.
Business/CEO/Retired: Id like to find a man to learn from. I am intelligent, I don't just want to gain for the here and now. I want to gain future skills, set up my own business, more than one, I want a baby bow empire. He will teach me everything he knows, maybe even help to set this up. To do this, he needs the experience from his own business, to running a business, or if he is retired, he can be interested in helping me to set up my own. Mentoring and sponsoring.
So this is my formula. All of these = a good potential in my eyes, and get a date ;-)
These are my own guidelines, but every one has their own. If your looking for different things, my rules wont apply, but its good to make your own.
But remember, rules are there to be broken ;-) And I break the rules...
Merry Christmas!
Baby Bow xx
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
☆Sugar Sweet Christmas To You All☆

- Yves Saint Laurent * Tribtoo Patent Leather Pumps * Grey
- Judith Leiber *Cupcake Crystal-Embellished Clutch (Pictured, Uber expensive, dont know if id really want one! Id feel excessive!)
- Christain Louboutin Barbie Doll
- Smythson Diary
- A week on the Pink Sand resort in the Bahamas
This list is purely a 'wish' list, I wont be getting any of these things, hopefully one day I will, but for now its nice to dream :-) Id love to see any one else's wish lists - purely self indulgent sugar wish lists - we all want world peace but this is just for the things money can buy! A little escapism if you will :-)
Monday, 14 December 2009
Who hid the Louboutins? More Mr Perfect dates

Mr Perfect arrived, looking much better than I have ever seen him look before. He usually dresses quite casual when I see him but this day he had on a gorgeous suit and the most beautiful watch, and his hair looked cute.
We laughed all through lunch, and spent as long as we could there until we got kicked out. He hailed me a taxi, and off I went to a party with some friends. Ive spoke to him since, I like to see where things are going with him but I don't want to push anything, he is looking for something real, and real things take time. He treats me exactly how I like to be treated and I can talk to him for hours, he is not pushy and has not even tried to kiss me, only ever on the cheek, and all sexual talk has so far been on lock down :-)
At the party someone stole my Loubutins***FML*** You may be wondering why I was wandering round a party barefoot, but it was at a house and i thought a bit of barefoot carpet dancing was called for... so off they came, and a few minutes later were no where to be seen. I found one, in a bush, hmmmmm. Jealous girls much???
So I'm mourning my louboutin boots, but apart from that I'm a happy baby. This weekend, if all goes well I am going on a fabulous sugar date with a new potential - il introduce him after, and give you the juicy date details! We have been arranging something for a while, really get along via e-mail as we have a lot in common, his allowance is a little lower than I expect but he knows this, and I'm happy to negotiate, as he wont be my one and only.
BB xxxxxxx
Sunday, 6 December 2009
♥O to the M to the G ♥

Mr Perfect and I have been speaking on the phone, and he asked if I would like to meet him in London. It was unfortunate that I was busy this week, and on the few free days that I had were prior arranged - a spa day with a friend. After our chat, I mentioned the spa I was going to, and as its quite well known Mr P had heard of it (even though it is miles out of London, in the countryside)
I spent some time in the spa, had a mani and a sugar salt scrub, massage and used the steam room. I decided I was a little restless after doing not a lot all day so I got dressed out of my flurry white robe and walked to a near by park with my friend, taking her dog for a walk.
All at once I got a few messages through, they were from Mr Perfect asking if I minded calling him back. I stepped out of the park and called him, and he asked what I was doing. I said I felt hungry and my girlfriend was going home now as she had to work, so I planned on going back home.
Mr perfect then asked if id join him for dinner, that evening in London. I explained that it was far and he said don't worry il fly you down just for dinner, then you can go back to the country to stay with your friend, or go back home, either way il get you there. This offer was too good to refuse, I knew he was planning on going to the Ivy and I love their bang bang chicken in peanut sauce and the dressed crab... yum..... Bow hearts the Ivy.
So off I went to this little local airport, I'm thinking - I'm sure they don't actually have airlines fly out of here?! But I went along anyway, because I know I travel a lot but I don't know too much about small airports. So I get there, in my Pink Victoria Secret sweats, juicy couture welly boots, and a big hoodie (I had been in the park so glamour was not on the cards - and yes, I like to dress like a 5 year old when I'm cosy!) and low and behold it is not an airport, just a private air field of some sort.
Then my blackberry rings and its Mr Perfect, I speak and as I speak I hear him behind me. I turn around, and OMG he is there in his own plane picking me up! We hopped in, and off we flew down to London. Not only was this Mr Perfects own plane, but he was flying it himself, so fun. We landed, and he arranged for a driver to pick us up, and take us to the Ivy. Luckily I had a little black dress in my bag that id taken from my girlfriends house before I left in preparation, Bow is always thinking! I had a few pins in my bag and I scrapped my hair up into a messy chiagon, I smelt of sugar from the sugar rub and scrub, and Mr perfect didn't seem to care!
Baby Bow xxx
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Colouring outside of the lines....

So today I decided to change my blogs name from 'Sugar Memoirs' to 'Memoirs Of A Sugarbaby' this is just because I wanted to originally call it that, but I have only just got around to changing the name.... Plus I wanted to add a cute heart.
So this week has been rather strange, in my personal life I have had a fabulous week. In my sugar life, I have had an unexpected week... As I received a text from Mr Date and ended up meeting him for Lunch. I'm not going to go into too much detail purely because I don't know what is going on right now, but there you go. I dont trust him as far as I could throw him, but I like him. Strange indeed. Promising.maybe? Watch this space...
In other news, I am loving Mr Perfect and I think he is someone I am going to spend a lot of time with. I can see this being a long drawn out process, with regards to allowance and liaisons, this is mainly due to the fact that Mr Perfect spends a lot of time traveling, as do I, and time to meet up on home ground may be limited. The other 'issue' with Mr Perfect is he is looking for a girlfriend, rather than an arrangement.
I, personally, do not find this a problem. Some sugar baby's may run a mile, but these are my reasons not to.
Firstly, I don't have a boyfriend/partner/current SD. So its not like my 'girlfriend' role is all taken, and I am a very, very good girlfriend (if I do say so myself :-)
I find the two things...being a GF or a SB...similar, with only a few blurred differences. Before you run a mile at the word Girlfriend, take this into consideration.
As a Sugar baby we arrange the whole thing, sometimes from the exact start and sometimes even to the exact date of finish. We see our time as limited, and we only go as far as the rules or 'terms' allow us. We ask: Where do we meet? How long for? How many times per month? How is allowance paid? How often? Weekly? Monthly? Will I travel? Will I come to you? Will you come to me? Will we stay over night? Sex? How often? Gifts? When?
As a Girlfriend, these same issued are covered, but with less of boundary's, we gain our SD's full trust, his admiration and affection, we know exactly where one another stands and we genuinely respect each other. Once we have this, we can build on a truly rewarding relationship, where we gain far more and feel more secure, more content. We can ask, and have the right to what ever we like, what we want will be ours, as our SD knows a happy SB is a rewarding SB :-) As a girlfriend sugar baby, we can colour outside of the lines.
Mr Perfect is currently in Asia, at a four seasons resort, and keeps sending me cute picture messages of his time there and frequent updates. I really appreciate this and I cant wait to see him again. Although I like him very much, and I think he is a diamond of a daddy, I am continuing to see other potentials. I really want to have a base of 2-3 daddy's, ones to fall back on when the others haven't come through, all the while il be nurturing my relationship with Mr Perfect, and eventually id be happy to just have him :-)
Lots Of Love,
Baby Bow xx
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
♥ I left my heart in ♥ Tokyo ♥

Friday, 20 November 2009
These are a few of bows favorite things....

- http://www.jimmychoos.net/ - great for Alexander Mcqueen, YSL and Jimmy Choos. Also sell Birkins.
- http://www.manolo-blahnik.com/ - Manolos, Balmain, Giuseppe Zanotti boots.
They all sell pretty much sell the same stuff, just don't be disappointed as the quality is not the same as the ones you look at in the stores, and on close inspection you can tell. Good for a few wears without spending too much or for a pair that might go out of fashion quickly. There is also a good website Jess Bunny mentioned in one of her blogs so check that out too for bags.
The only thing I wouldn't suggest you copy is a designer watch, there are so many giveaways on a fake and its better to have a nice understated watch than a flashy fake designer one that looks tacky. My watch is fairly loud and flashy and for that reason I hardly wear it, sometimes I will but it makes quite a statement so I would love a simply stylish and 'timeless' Cartier or a Patek Phillippe :-)
If you have the Daddy and you are lucky enough to already have you allowance and gifts, a great place to shop is:
- http://www.net-a-porter.com/ - You name it they sell it, I almost wet myself I get so excited looking on here. Your new shoes/dress/ comes packaged in a black box with a ribbon and and if you live in the city you can get the same day delivery in just a few hours!
When spending a lot of your allowance still be careful on your choices, I bought a pair of Louboutins and because they are cream and suede all i do is look at them, i wore them out to dinner once and as it was raining wouldn't leave the restaurant until it stopped, just because of the shoes. Don't spend £600 for something you are too scared to wear!! A good tip is if you do invest in Louboutins, take them to Harrods or your nearest Louboutin and get the red sole grips added because the soles are smooth and it will stop the red sole from scratching.
Make up: I love Bobbi Brown and Mac, pop into a department store before a date and ask to have your make up retouched or a make up lesson. I do this all the time because they try things you may not think of and it stops you getting into a 'make up rut' which is easy to do.
Also try Arm and Hammer whitening booster which is just peroxide you brush on, i use both and think my teeth are so many shades lighter than they were. If you have your teeth whitened professionally its a great way to keep the colour up.
Fragrance: Jo Malone is my favorite, there are so many to choose from in the most beautiful packaging. I personally like Orange Blossom and I would love to own the matching Orange candles. For the day time, I like to buy from either Victoria's Secret or Bath and Body Works as they both do a great range of body sprays that are lush. My current favorite is the new festive range in Gilded Ginger Creme, it smells of Christmas and ginger bread cookies and they do a matching shimmer cream! Yum!
That is about it, thankfully as I've written so much! Tomorrow I'm off to Tokyo and when I get home I have a lot to do so I may have a little gap in my blogs. I'm hoping when I blog again il be seeing Mr Perfect and other suitors and will have plenty good stuff to post :-)
Until Then.... Love Baby Bow x x
Thursday, 19 November 2009
The Sugar Seas.....

Till later Sugars, Love Baby Bow xx
Sunday, 15 November 2009
The Sugar days are coming... plus more contenders!!

Late 40's, don't get me wrong he isn't butt ugly, but he is not what I would usually go for. He looks like my doctor, and that's a bit weird. But, for allowance prospects alone he is worth a slot in sugar day one.
Thursday, 12 November 2009
A whole new week in Sugar Land, A whole new lot of Daddys!

Monday, 9 November 2009
Bow the real life barbie... Mr Date D.O.A