Monday 9 November 2009

Bow the real life barbie... Mr Date D.O.A

Fellow Sugars,
I have been dealt quite a blow this morning, by Mr date, naturally. But first, I will give you a little background information. Just so you can appreciate quite how shocking this is.
Since my last post, things went from bad, to perfect with Mr Date. We were in constant contact, initiated by him, from the first goodmorning to the last goodnight. We had spoken every day on the phone for the last week, planned a trip away together, laughed and enjoyed the thought of seeing each other again. Apologies had been made, and an ultimatum given.
I had explained to Mr Date that whilst I was waiting for him to get his act together, this had wasted about 2 months of my sugar search. I wanted to know when/where/how an allowance was to start - he called me once I had sent this message - I was shopping in New York at the time.
'Lets see each other Monday darling, and we can start from there, I promise'

I gave Mr Date a chance to back out if he had cold feet. I explained that i wouldn't be mad, but there must have been a reason for all these excuses and let downs. If he wasn't sure about what he wanted, he could just say. He replied ' I want you, and only you. 100%' something along those lines, he had his chance to exit the dignified way and he stuck.
So I spent the rest of my week excited at the thought, it was really happening! We were to see each other on Monday and the arrangement was to start

We planned on meeting for this lunch time - today..... as in a few hours time. I was to meet him on the corner of Sloan Square, and we would go to an exclusive restaurant I had told him I liked. After, we would enjoy each other and spend the afternoon at a hotel he was booked into and later I planned on meeting fellow sugar baby blogger Honey Baby (Honey Baby introduced myself and Mr date, so we planned to meet as he told me he would like to take us both out in the future to thank her for our meeting - in Paris he suggested!!)

I have to be honest, I had a feeling something wasn't quite right. Not only for the obvious fact he had let me down one too many times, but the way in which he acted and spoke. He would go from hot to cold, constantly, one moment nothing at all, and the next sending me message after message ' I miss you' - 'I could fall in love with you' 'I like you so so much' 'I want this to be a long and lasting relationship'...
A little while ago Mr Date had mentioned a skin care product that is only sold now in the USA, as it was discontinued in the UK. He asked me if I ever saw it on my trips to pick some up for him. Whilst in NYC I came across this product, by Keilhs, and decided to buy him some as a gift. I think sometimes its nice to show you can give a little gift too, and in most cases I still think that this is a great idea. Turn the tables a little bit. Show how you can care/listen/surprise too!

Yesterday, I spent the day with my father. Mr Date text me to ask me what I was doing, and I told him ' I'm spending the day with my father at his golf club' He told me id have a great time and continued to text me all day and all night, hot not cold, promising the next day would happen.

Then I woke up this morning. I cant say I was full of excitement, because lets be honest after the 7th let down even the most positive sugar baby in the world would have had apprehension's. My phone bleeped, and I saw the message on my screen. This was it.
(by the way i wouldn't usually post an exact message but seeing as Mr date has acted with no consideration for my feelings or shown any respect I cannot see one reason why I shouldn't)

'Baby Bow, after mentioning your day with your father yesterday who I suspect is younger than me I cant go ahead with this I'm sorry. You are a very beautiful young lady with a delightful personality but too young. I know you are going to hate me for this and suspect I have been messing you around. I haven't. Its taking considerable resolve to come to this decision. I must be mad but that's how it is. I will delete your details and not bother you again, please don't reply. Take care and I wish you every success for the future. Goodbye x x x x x '

OMG FML. - Oh yes Mr date, I wont reply to that. You have just wasted two months of my life I wont get back, but Il honor you with the silence of your phone not alerting you of any further correspondence from me. You may speak about you wife/children all you like, but I may never mention my own family... AS IF.

So I replied.

'For future reference, if your going to 'like' a young woman and ask her to send you pictures of herself, call her mobile while she is over seas numerous times, ask her to call you, arrange then re arrange then cancel dates at least once a week, expect her to be exclusive to you during this time, initiate sexual messages, take into consideration the work she has missed whilst trying to be available for you, the preparation of looking good for you each time, and the respect and patience she has shown you... the least, and I mean very least, you could do was to take her for planned lunch and chat about this face to face. A text does not suffice.
I know this at 22, I wonder how at 55 you missed it? I think i have been naive, and you are most likely not what you seemed.'

So there you have it, myself and Mr date. Over before it started. Dead on arrival.

I'm also going to take a picture of the gift I bought him, which he knows about, and e-mail it to him. I'm not sure why, I just think that would make me feel better! If he was a good man he would compensate me for all this time spent and gifts etc.... but I know that would not happen.

So ladies, who did Mr Date think I was? Did he think I was from the sugar baby garden, grown from a seed, ageless and frozen in time for him to pick and use at his will? Did he think a stork flew over London, dropped me off, and left me to fend for myself? Did he believe I was a real life barbie, born of no parents, just packaged up for him by mattel?

What ever Mr date thought, he thought wrong. Men like him are ten a penny, and I can have another him in a minute :-) Except I don't want another him, I want a real man.

So there you have it, goodbye Mr Date. It was a bother having you. But I learnt some lessons and I have picked myself back up, re adjusted my tutu, shook up my hair, and dusted off the louboutins.

Watch out boys!!!!!!!!!!
Love always, Baby Bow x x x


  1. Wow that's a major bummer, sorry to hear that :/ But it's true, that are MANY more Sds out there.

  2. Aw I'm sorry! It's sounds like it's good he's gone though! It won't be too hard to find another SD that you can actually spend time with! <3

  3. sorry it didn't work out :(

    hopefully things will turn around during the holiday season. my fingers are crossed for you!

  4. *echoes prior commentary*

    ah... time wasted sucks, but you're funny.
    "a stork flew over to london..." lmao.

    i think that was defnitely an excuse to diss you. he sounds awkward anyway. i mean, he wouldn't even tell you this in person?!

  5. Thank you lovely girls :-) Its all ok, I am back on the sites and I already have some fabulous if I do say so myself potentials! xxx

  6. Hi,

    So sorry to hear about Mr. Date. I hope the next one(s) really do sweep you off your feet :)

    Please check out my new blog, I hope you enjoy it:

    Happy SB
