Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Mini Update Numero Uno!

Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Once upon a time....

Thursday, 22 April 2010
Sugary Sorrys....

Tuesday, 6 April 2010
The Perfect Effect...

Monday, 5 April 2010
Happy Easter ♥ Dubai Continued....

Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Perfect Weekends, Perfect Sugar

I know I know, I haven't posed too much recently - but that is all about to change! I have so much news so much so much and not enough posts to tell it all in! I have been spoilt!
Well first I shall tell you about a wonderful surprise I had from somebody a little PERFECT.
Having a few days off from work and not quite being sure what to do with myself I made a few calls around to see what my pots where up to and to try and get the ball rolling after what seemed like the s-l-o-w-e-s-t few weeks....
My favorite of all time got back in touch, and invited me to an experience I could never turn down - THE DUBAI RACES. Now, for those of you not too familiar with Dubai it is like the sugar playground of all time, opulent and diamond covered, with sugar baby's grazing every mans arm. The people here have real F-YOU money, and buy hotel chains and private jets like its a game of monopoly.
I was flown by his private plane down to his huge house, its the most beautiful house Ive ever seen and I would have been happy for this experience alone, but it got better. We then went to a local Michelin starred restaurant for the best oysters Ive ever had, full of Tabasco and washed down with champagne.
We then got picked up by his driver, a very sweet man who has been working with him for years. Off we went to the airport, which was a short journey away although I fell to sleep from the bubbles of champagne within minutes! I was woken up to being driven straight through an express check in lane, with a drive-thru passport control and luggage check in.
From there we relaxed at the lounge, I ate king prawns in a chili sauce with spinach leaves, and had a coffee, and watched sports on the big screens whilst flicking through a page or two of Hello.
Next it was time to board, and we got onto the aircraft, turned left and went straight into First Class luxury. This was with an airline I had never before flown with, and I was amazed by everything from how beautiful the cutlery and linen that lined your table was, how comfy the beds were, and how amazing the company. There was a huge menu to choose from but as it was a relatively short 6 hour flight I decided to sleep most of the way so that I would arrive refreshed.
Once we arrived I checked into the hotel, he had to meet some friends and look at properties as the prices are lower in Dubai at the moment after the initial 'buzz' of the place. I had stayed at the hotel before, and it is just beyond flashy. Even the walls are 24 carat gold plated, and helicopters land right onto the roof.
I decided to freshen up in the bathroom, which was marble with heavy toweling robes and fluffy slippers and spa products all around. They even gave you small pots of creme De la Mer, which I slathered all over my face quicker than you could ever imagine - I love that stuff!
After showering I decided to go meet my friends who live in Dubai, we met at the mall of emirates which is a huge shopping mall that even has ski slopes within! We had a little walk around and I decided to look for a dress for the races. I found my favorite chain of shops in Dubai where they sell really nice designer stuff but it isn't stuffy or full of pretentious assistants, and they sell my favorite dress designer called 'sky' (I never see these dresses anywhere other than Dubai?)
The dress I picked out was a long white maxi dress, with a jeweled snake wrapping around your boobs, not a print of a snake, and actual jewelry type snake that wrapped around the top of the dress. It was perfect for the races and I decided I would wear some heels I already bought with white feathers clipped into my hair, rather than a hat.
The dress cost the equivalent of about £100 so it wasn't too expensive, but as I put my hand into my handbag I pulled out a little envelope with a 'x' on the front. Inside was a little stash of local currency and I was excited to find a surprise allowance inside! (It was actually money to bet with at the races i later found out, but id rather buy a dress too than gamble it all)
So with my dress ready and happy after an afternoon with friends I went back to the hotel, where the weekend got even more... perfect...
To be continued!
Sunday, 21 March 2010
'Off with your head'!

G got back in touch, gave a few excuses for not being around, and we rescheduled to meet again. The morning of the meet came, and there I am preening and prepping myself as all good Sugar Baby's do...
But, in general I would advise you stay friends with any pots that don't quite make the cut for what ever reasons. At the time he might not be right, but if you leave the gates open you never know when he might pop back, and fit into your world a little better than the first time.
Lovings :) Baby Bow x
Saturday, 20 March 2010
Daffys Date...

I had been out and about earlier in the day, and had decided to meet a friend for a few drinks. A few drinks in London often turn into a lot of drinks, in this case it turned into more than a few bottles of wine on an empty stomach....hmmmm Bow was feeling a little tipsy when she remembered that Ducky was waiting :)
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
YAY to the CL....

Monday, 8 March 2010
G on his sugar death bed....

Sunday, 7 March 2010
Spring/Summer Sugar Wishlist

- Jimmy Choo Quinze - This is certainly the case of 'thinking about it is better than the owning' as at £1095 of my British pounds, I'm not sure I could ever warrant such an amount on shoes that look like they would attract every particle of dirt on every London street. But alas, they are beautiful.
- An Ibiza holiday - The girls and I would like to take a little holiday to Ibiza, its somewhere I have never been but only a few hours away, so it would be rude not to.
- The first Christian Louboutins Cat Burglar Barbie Doll - purely to collect (OK, maybe to play with, maybe, in private...) I'm not keen on the newest addition, is it just me or does she look like a hooker?
- Creme De La Mer - I would like to start taking care of my skin, and I refuse to do so until I can do so with this bad boy. I also would like the serum. The cream of the sea will be mine :)
- An Apple Airbook - my laptop is gorgeous and pink but its heavy to carry around so id like something a little more lightweight
5 things - i wonder how many I can tick off. Hmmm, I've finished off my cream egg so I'm calling G to see if he can be roped into any of the above!
Love, Baby Bow xx
Thursday, 4 March 2010
A quiet week in Sugar world, so let me introduce...

Tuesday, 2 March 2010
First♥Second♥Third Date Tips

This is my second post in one day, as I feel my blog has been quiet over the last week and I like to post at least once every week. I don't like to post just for the sake of posting, so I like to think of new topics id enjoy reading myself.
Over the last few days I checked my E-mail and I had a few very sweet e-mails asking a little about dating advice, and outfits that kind of thing. I think its sweet anyone would think to even email me to ask, so after reading and replying to these e-mails I thought why not blog and share my personal favorite tips and if anyone wants to do a similar blog id love to read it. I also had a cute e-mail asking if id be someones Mentor, and although I don't think I'm quite up there that's very very flattering and I do love to help anybody so that made me smile :)
Will the real Baby Bow please stand up...

Monday, 22 February 2010
What its like to date an older man...

Sunday, 21 February 2010
A mid-sugar update

In Victoria's Secret I love their secret garden range, so I bought the whole range of 'Pure Seduction' the body wash, moisturisers, body sprays and perfume. I smell of Seduction from head to toe! I also bought some of their new coconut passion range, yummy.
Sugar wise I am at a cross road and there isn't too much to say. Mr Perfect is overseas on business, but checks in with me most days. We get together on his return. Mr G and I are in contact, but I haven't seen him since my last post as he and I have both been away.
In other Mr G news he has invited me to see him later next week, and I have given him a time frame for my allowance. That may seem a little direct, but its the only way to be and he has responded well. He has also said he would help me out with something that has to be done by the end of this month - hence the time frame. I expect to receive it soon, and then I can fully relax as I know we are both serious. I think getting over that first hurdle is important, and then once that investment of both £ and trust is made I can fully invest in our relationship.
I hope every ones having fun, oh and Ive lost a lot of the blogs I was following so if you have a private invite only blog please send me an invite again to myaccount74@hotmail.co.uk. Thank you :-)
Friday, 12 February 2010
The Big A - Allowence discussions!

I thought id do a post on the big A and how to...
- Work out what you need/want
- Consider how to use it
- Choose how to recieve it
I admit I'm not particularly an expert, but I usually am confident enough to strike up this conversation, and I know how to read men and give them that kick up the butt they usually need! I also thought it would be an interesting post, as everyone has different views and tips, so please feel free to share your own in a post or in my comments. If we all share our tips, we will be a new breed of super baby's! :D
Deciding the how, when and what with regards to your allowance or monetary gifts usually comes naturally, as you know yourself what would help. This is personal and will vary from Sugar baby to Sugar baby.
The How...
There are several ways you can arrange the monthly or weekly allowance. Some ways include -
- Prepaid Credit Card - You have a set amount, no 'overdraft', can withdraw at ATMs
- Credit Card - A credit card in your name on your Sugar Daddy's account
- Cash - Old fashioned brown (pink?) envelope full of spondoolies
- Electronic - PayPal or similar
My favorite way is a Pre Paid Credit Card. Reasons being, Obviously cash is simple, BUT this can be problematic - it can seem too transactional. A Pre Paid Credit Card is great because its all yours, not attached to his account so you can use it as you like, you can still withdraw at ATMS and put into your own bank if you like, you can also use online and in stores. It will be automatically set up to 'refill' every month. We all like a bit of refilling! Also... you don't have to have the whole conversation every few weeks like you will do with cash if your Sugar Daddy is of the forgetful variety! Carrying cash is a little unsafe too.
My least favorite way is a Credit card on his account, most daddy's are economically savvy and wont favor credit cards anyway as the high charges plus you don't have a limit which may sound appealing but how will you know what you can spend? You may think its appropriate to spend £1000 on a shopping spree, he may have intended you to be more conservative and use it for bills. I'm also not a fan of Paypal, its ok for the first few times but you need to check its in there, wait for it to clear, they take a cut etc and it may not be automatic every month.
You decide on monthly, weekly, whatever works for you. I think Monthly is good as long as you are seeing each other quite regularly. It all less transactional and weekly can easily fall into the 'pay for play' category if its not set up well.
I think a good starting point for an allowance is your rent + your bills + a little to spend on whatever you like = a good allowance. If you work this is perfect as it allowes you to invest and use your wage packet for whatever you like knowing that some of the main things are covered.
Personally, I am happy with an allowance of between 3-4K a month. This works out at a grand a week, and would allow me to save/invest maybe 2K each month, and still live a comfortable life with plenty of money for the little things that make us smile :)
I have in the past had higher allowances, but a little less is better than nothing. I also find lots of potential Sugar Daddy's who fall into the 3-4 K category, where as the higher guys are harder to come across. As long as your chosen Daddy has potential, you will be able to up your allowance at a later date in most situations, once you have bonded well.
*Don't forget, 3-4 K in one currency, is not 3-4 K in another. If your talking to an international daddy make sure your not cutting yourself short. Seeking Arrangement for example uses $ as a guideline. If your a UK baby, this amount will be roughly half in pounds - not as interesting as it first looked.
Check the exchange rate and be smart. At the moment £1 is equal to $1.56 dollars. So my set allowance of 3-4k in GBP is equal to $4,700-$6,261 in USD. If your a USA baby, and followed my guidelines your allowance will be between roughly 5 and 6 k.
Being Smart About Money
Its tempting to create a huge wish list of things you want to spend your allowance on, and its exciting to do. I think for the first few allowances you should try to consider clearing any debts you have, maybe paying of credit cards etc. Its also a good idea to keep a 'float' of money in your bank account, try keeping it so that it never falls less than 4 figures. This is a good back up, as you never know when the arrangement could come to an end.
If your Sugar Daddy is in the financial world, maybe a banker or a broker, pick his brains at how to invest wisely. Maybe you want to play around with some extra money and invest. If your lucky, he might set you up with a little stocks and shares account and give you some tips.
Budget well as a Sugar Baby too, be smart and save for the future. Budget at least half of your allowance into savings, if you can. Those shoes you want could be included into shopping trips with your new Sugar Daddy, or you could send him an online link!
Ive as usual gone on and on :) So Ive missed out the actual conversation and stumbling blocks you may find when you broach the subject with your Pot. That's coming up in my next post!
Kisses, Baby Bow xxx
Saved by Channel ♥ CC

Baby Bow xx