CL is officially my favorite Sugar in disguise website, a quick anonymous e-mail can do no harm... I advise you all to try it, of course being careful as there are obviously some weirdos on there too, that much is clear.
So out of my CL pots I have a lovely e-mail chain going on with one very charming gentleman, although he is out of the country so no date has been fixed. I also had a wonderful date with another, all went very well and he bought up my expectations fairly quickly. He was the image of a 'Sugar Daddy' that I have in my minds eye, and I will see how/if this situation progresses.
In my previous posts I mentioned how 'G' was fleeting in and out of the scene, well, its official - HE IS OUT.
G got back in touch, gave a few excuses for not being around, and we rescheduled to meet again. The morning of the meet came, and there I am preening and prepping myself as all good Sugar Baby's do...
Knowing his recent flakiness, I decided to shoot him a quick text to confirm we were still on, before I made the effort of leaving the house and getting dressed! Id love to say I don't get out of bed for less than £100,000, but this would be grossly untrue. I don't get out of bed for less than a 5k allowance. That's more like it. ;-)
To my disappointment but not my surprise, I received the following text...
'Hi! sorry up to my everything in it at the moment. Having a s... day. Lots going on, and not sure when it will end. Probably best to scrub today. xx '
Pure crap. That's exactly how it was written too. Does everyone agree this is the most useless text apology you have ever had the misfortune to read. Probably best to 'scrub' everything actually, you poor excuse for a SD, and waste no more of my precious time. In the words of the Red Queen "Off with your head"...hehehe.
In fact, i said almost as much. Its one of my main sugar rules that you should never fully erase a SD from your life. At the end of the day, you never know when circumstances could change and it might be benefiting to have friends like this, plus its not in my nature to have a fall out with someone in general. Id rather be forgiving, and positive.
Like Ive said in the past, to feel anger towards another person is like swallowing poison and expecting them to fall ill. Its far better to get rid of any negativity, and remain happy.
In this instance, I defied all of my own rules and I text back with a rambling of how he had let me down and I wished for him to delete my number.... oops. Still, I don't regret this choice. I feel that G had something hidden, something was not quite right and I'm glad I outed him sooner rather than later.
In this case, it felt right. G was not going to go anywhere... lets be honest if you follow my blog you will know I was finding it unnatural to imagine an 'us' as a SD/SB unit, so i didn't need too much discouragement. G never replied, which I think just goes to show he was all talk and no wallet. The worst kind.
But, in general I would advise you stay friends with any pots that don't quite make the cut for what ever reasons. At the time he might not be right, but if you leave the gates open you never know when he might pop back, and fit into your world a little better than the first time.
Lovings :) Baby Bow x
Wow, seems the 'poofsters' are out in full force! Anyway, here's hoping the CL potential goes down well!
ReplyDeleteP.S. Agreed, that text from G is lame. If it were me, I'd chop off both his heads, lol.
I've been thinking about doing CL for a while, but am a bit worried about creepers. :/ Good luck w/ ur sugar adventures!
ReplyDeleteSo true about staying friends! I once had an SD fall away for over a year, and then popped back up for a weekend trip and $3000! So worth staying on good terms! I hope the CL pots work out!