Today was my arranged dinner with Ducky, and as you already know I planned on dining like a Queen. Well I decided to cancel due to being a lazy ass and not wanting to miss out on a little family get-together.
Rest assured, I have rescheduled for during the week, and Ive managed to move it to a full on dinner date, think of the courses, think of the food! So much more room for teasing Ducky, maybe not so much room in my dress.
Also, rest assured amid the canceled lunch date I have not gone hungry, I decided to eat like a Queen anyway and I'm currently munching on a Cadburys cream egg and drinking tea as we speak. I plan on a long power plate session this evening so I'm enjoying every piece of chocolaty egg gooyness!
I'm loving secret diary of a call girl, I'm not sure of you guys in the USA get to see this, maybe you can find it online? Its a British TV show of the book, formally a blog, Belle De Jour - Dairy of a London call girl. In the UK its a pretty popular show, and there is more hype over the last few months as the real life Belle behind the blog revealed herself. The blog is still running, and it can be found under the 'blogs I'm following' list. I like the fact its based on true stories, I also love that its filmed in London.
Speaking of London, Ive been mulling over London fashion week footage and been to a few party's, and its made me want to shop. In times like this I like to write a list of things I might like, to stop impulse buying and because thinking about it sometimes is better than the actual owning :)
- Jimmy Choo Quinze - This is certainly the case of 'thinking about it is better than the owning' as at £1095 of my British pounds, I'm not sure I could ever warrant such an amount on shoes that look like they would attract every particle of dirt on every London street. But alas, they are beautiful.
- An Ibiza holiday - The girls and I would like to take a little holiday to Ibiza, its somewhere I have never been but only a few hours away, so it would be rude not to.
- The first Christian Louboutins Cat Burglar Barbie Doll - purely to collect (OK, maybe to play with, maybe, in private...) I'm not keen on the newest addition, is it just me or does she look like a hooker?
- Creme De La Mer - I would like to start taking care of my skin, and I refuse to do so until I can do so with this bad boy. I also would like the serum. The cream of the sea will be mine :)
- An Apple Airbook - my laptop is gorgeous and pink but its heavy to carry around so id like something a little more lightweight
5 things - i wonder how many I can tick off. Hmmm, I've finished off my cream egg so I'm calling G to see if he can be roped into any of the above!
Love, Baby Bow xx
A mac book is on my wish list too, as well as a Bose speaker set for my iPods. I also want an iPhone and paid service! Recently I am mostly into gadgets. I can't fathom paying hundreds of dollars for a pair of shoes right now when some months I can barely make rent!
ReplyDeleteI love Secret Diary of a Call Girl. I live in the states, and the show plays on showtime. However, I buy the dvds. I didn't know the real Belle revealed herself. I'm going to have to google that.
ReplyDeleteI desperately need to find a link to watch SDoaCG here in the states. I found one site, but it only had two episodes, and I fell in love with the series that fast. <3
ReplyDeleteWell, I agree w/ you on that rent over shoes thing of course, but don't turn down any Jimmy Choos, for goodness sake! ;)