Ducky contacted me on Seeking Arrangement.com back when I had a profile on there, which was at least 3 months ago now.
At the time, I was corresponding with many pots and I felt busy with many dates planned. I was at the whittling down stage. Because of this, I let Ducky slide, but he remained in the sidelines and we kept in touch. I was honest and explained I had met someone and I was happy dating him, but he still shot me the occasional text or call to check in with my world.
This week, although a welcome break of downtime in my personal life, in the sugar world it has been quiet. Mr Perfect is getting his feet back on the ground after travels we are not meeting until next week. G, although we planned to get lunch midweek (on allowance day, I might add) he canceled on me.
Id like to think G is very real and reliable,he is on his first strike.
Because of this, when I had a friendly little text from Ducky this week I decided why the hell not. Ive always been put of by this man as he has the funniest voice. Seriously it sounds like I'm on the phone with a cartoon character or something... I can only imagine what that would sound like in bed. Fancy f*cking daffy duck anyone?
So this weekend I'm off to meet him, by a pond in London. Only kidding, we will meet at the Ritz for lunch.
I'm a little wary about Ducky before I even meet him, as he has raised a few alarm bells in my mind during previous conversations. The first, was a picture I sent him. He called me to tell me how beautiful I am, lovely I thought - I do like a compliment. He then went on to say how I looked like I had lost a lot of weight since the Seeking Arrangement.com pictures, and I looked better for it. Well, Sugars, I had not lost any weight between pictures. Even if I had, I am very happy with myself. I'm a UK size 10/US 6 with curves I am very proud of. Sure, i wouldn't put up a fight if a few pounds wanted to migrate for the summer, or if my arms got that little bit tighter, but I'm not able to get all paranoid about it. I couldnt care less!
So this comment, whilst I'm sure he meant it as a compliment, I have taken the wrong/right way. I'm not sure how it was aimed.
To the back of my mind this comment went, and I proceeded to arrange a meeting with him. Then, a second blow. When asking where to meet, and him suggesting the Ritz, I suggest Lunch. " Bow, why don't we just meet for Champagne"? Because its lunch time, and il want to eat lunch, jackass. "Bow, champagne is better for you". I like my curves where they are thank you, so either take me for lunch, or loose them - i replied.
Needless to say, we are now going for lunch and I wouldn't miss it for the world. I plan on eating 3 courses, something I never do at midday, just to prove a point. I will eat like a Lioness, and I will drink Champagne like a king. I hope he bought his black Amex.
If Ducky thinks he can physiologically get one over on me, he has another thing coming, Il walk all over him!
PS. I may have read too much into his two comments, and I'm sure il get a 'feel' for him once we meet. If he was a controlling, weight conscious man, id be sure never to see him again. I feel very strongly about men like this, and I am the most powerful one, I demand to be treated as such. From all our correspondence - bar these two comments - he has been gentlemanly and kind :)
This has made me hungry! I'm off to eat a big bowl of coco pops!
Love Baby Bow xx
you go ;)
ReplyDelete"I will eat like a Lioness, and I will drink Champagne like a king. I hope he bought his black Amex."
ReplyDeleteLoves it! Good Luck on your date!!!
Miss ya hon!!!
What a rude guy. You should definitely eat as much as possible just to prove a point, I think it's awesome!!!
ReplyDeleteNice lioness
ReplyDelete*shakes head at men who try to control with food/drink*
ReplyDeleteI LOL'd, Bow! I had the opposite experience when I met what I can only describe as an aspiring 'feeder'. I was hungry and had already ordered dishes of mammoth proportions. He gazed on and said "you look so sexy eating. Why don't you order more?". Hm...I don't want a heart bypass, thanks!
I want to know how your date with daffy duck went...and the expression on his face while you dined like royalty :-)