This is my second post in one day, as I feel my blog has been quiet over the last week and I like to post at least once every week. I don't like to post just for the sake of posting, so I like to think of new topics id enjoy reading myself.
Over the last few days I checked my E-mail and I had a few very sweet e-mails asking a little about dating advice, and outfits that kind of thing. I think its sweet anyone would think to even email me to ask, so after reading and replying to these e-mails I thought why not blog and share my personal favorite tips and if anyone wants to do a similar blog id love to read it. I also had a cute e-mail asking if id be someones Mentor, and although I don't think I'm quite up there that's very very flattering and I do love to help anybody so that made me smile :)
When it comes to dating whether or not you met them through a sugar website it can be very nerve wracking, even if your the most confident person ever. I find that the more dates you go on the more used to it you get, in fact I feel like I'm a little bit addicted to dating. I love the butterfly's and learning all about someone as I'm quite romantic and I love to be wined and dined!
Here are my tips I use all the time :)
Research, Research, Research
A little research goes a long way. This can be from actually googling your date, which sounds a little creepy but a lot of people do it, especially when you have 'met' someone over the Internet. It helps to keep you safe as if they have messed a lot of girls around their details will come up on 'bad sugar daddy black list' websites - SD's be warned!
It will let you confirm their job, and that they are who they say they are. If this keeps you safe in my eyes it cant be bad so google away!
Apart from the safety reasons, it can help you strike some common ground with your date. I'm not saying a date is like a job interview, but you should always go into any kind of 'meeting' knowing what you are talking about. If you have a little idea of his role at work, or his company, this will impress him and its always good to take an interest anyway. Obviously be subtle and don't mention it first hand, but if the subject comes up you will have a little head start!
Know where your going
Google comes in handy yet again! As soon as I know where my date is taking me I google it.
The kind of things I want to know is where the nearest tube is, so that I know my journey and journey time. You don't want to be stressed on the day of a date, but relaxed. Make sure you know how your getting to A to B and if its far id expect to be picked up, but on the very first meeting its safer to meet in a public place not a car!
Once you know where you will be going, decide where you will meet and make it clear. I have had numerous guys take me out and say 'meet me at the Dorchester' for example, only to wait outside whilst Ive gone in and got a coffee at the bar to escape the cold!
If your eating my top top top tip is google the menu. Go to the website of where you are going and decide what you might like to eat. I find eating on dates quite hard, I never want to order the most expensive thing, yet not the cheapest and these are natural feelings we all have. If you go in there knowing what you might like, when the waiter offers you the menu you wont have to bury your pretty head in it for 20 minutes, you can have a quick look and confidently know.
This is also important if its a french restaurant or a different nationality, you have time to make sure you know how to pronounce things if you dont already know, so as to not look too silly :)
How to Dress?
There isn't really a 'how to dress' - just dress like you. If im being taken to an upscale hotel or restaurant I personally like a classy dress. I like a shift dress or a pencil dress, with understated make up and glamorous hair. I accessorise with sky high heels and I might show my personality through jewelry and my bag.
If its a more casual date il dress down a little, just go with what makes you feel comfortable and confident. Men don't really care, as long as you look polished. That is my golden rule, look polished and groomed and the details wont matter!
Getting Intimate?
I think its paramount on the first date you keep all intimacy for later. If you like the guy and decide you would like a second date, do not kiss, other than on the cheeks (of his face :)
This obviously goes for anything more than kissing too! Read the Rules book, it works for Sugar Daddy's too.
And last, certainly not least just relax. The man you are meeting will have worried so much more than you, he has a beautiful woman to entertain, so let him do the entertaining. If conversation takes a quite turn, relax. You don't have to fill in every gap, let him do that if he likes. Don't over compensate. Do show the best of yourself, in a refined, demure and classy manor. Be positive, Smile, and laugh lots - just be yourself :)
If all else fails, remember this story I will tell below, of a little date I went on - and remember - it cant be as bad as that!!!
I met a 'pot' from Aeeking Arrangement at a seafood bar and restaurant . I like seafood and I generally know my way around posh cutlery lay outs, little silver spoons and linen covered lemon slices - you know the kind of thing.
After our delicious starters of baked fish and roasted shellfish, my main course came. Beautiful tiger prawns with an array of sauces and implements. This being one of my very first dates of the kind, I felt quite nervous and the glass of wine on an empty stomach had hit me harder than I thought. As the waiter put down a little bowl of lemon sliced water, I barely considered its use.
With one hand, after breaking the long head from the prawn and undressing its shell, I dipped the beautiful gorgeousness straight into the lemony water, and straight into my mouth.
YES. I dipped a prawn, into a bowl of water you wash your hands in. I then ate it.
Luckily, my date found this endearing and wished to see me again. So there you have it, you might have a few 'uhoh moments' but they add sparkle to the date...
If they dont, you have a great little story to tell and some experience under your belt!
Best Wishes,
Baby Bow xx
LOL, great advice and fun story. You are unofficially one of *my* mentors!! I think I mentioned it when I first started writing but your blog was the tipping point for my decision to become a SB! Thank you: http://ow.ly/1dnwf :)
ReplyDeleteLOL that story is pretty funny! I was having a bad day with craigslist and sugardaddys but that just brightened up my day a little bit. Thanks for making me laugh.
ReplyDeleteThanks for clearing that up-kissing their cheeks!!! lol
ReplyDeleteYou are definitely one of my mentors also. I cannot wait to meet you in a month! EEEKK!!