I'm kind of still on a very happy high from my date with Mr Date, we get on really well and speak all the time, he is always sending me really thoughtful texts and updates and I really like that.
I wouldn't like a SD where we would only be in touch when he wanted to see me, I know some people would prefer that, especially if they had a BF or wanted to keep their life completely separate. Where as I like to be in full contact with my SD, receiving calls and messages in between our times together. I feel happy when I wake up in the morning and there is a text there waiting for me :-)
My next date with Mr date is next week, I'm not too sure where or what we will be doing but its all very exciting. I'm meeting him when I get home from a little trip I'm taking this weekend, which is good because I am looking forward to seeing him, but unfortunate because after being in the air for 12 hours you feel like a hot air balloon. So il make a date with my friend Mr Peppermint tea, and that should help prepare a little! I also wonder if he will give me my allowance on this meeting..... we shall have to see.
On the one hand I hope so, not only because I have mentally spent it, hehe, but also because I can then truly relax and enjoy the relationship as that will show its all above board and serious. On the other hand I would understand if I didn't get it, or all of it, on our second date. Obviously you have to be careful, and he may worry id take it and then never see him again - which of course us respectable baby's would never do but i bet its happened to daddy's in the past.
Now that Ive found Mr Date, I have removed myself from any websites I had a profile on, which was actually just Sugar Daddie.com at the time. I feel he deserves my full attention, so that I can mould and nurture our arrangement into exactly what we both want, and I know that if I give it my all I will be treated very very well.
Some people may think its unwise to 'put all of your eggs in one basket' but I don't see it this way. I know he likes me, and I like him - so everything now is just getting to know one another and putting the time and effort in.
Even if you want to find multiple Sugar Daddy's, you should always put your search on hold while your in this stage of the relationship. You don't want to blow your chances by being pre occupied with thoughts, e-mails, nerves, meetings etc with other men, and in most cases Sugar Daddy will want to be your only one, so you don't want to mix it up for yourself if he senses he is not.
I'm very serious about Mr Date, I genuinely like him and I've decided he is the one I am concentrating on. We had a little handshake and spoke about what we both wanted from our relationship, and now we are at the beginning. I cant wait to see where we go from here....
Love, Baby Bow x