On the morning of date with the one and only Mr Date, as planned in my last blog entry:
The sound of my alarm fills the room, and I wonder for a few moments what day it is and what I am doing...
Feeling excited and full of butterfly's, I opened my eyes, remembered what day it was, and mentally prepared myself for the day ahead. As I looked over onto the table beside my bed, my blackberry was flashing red, to get my attention...
And there it was -
I sleepily opened the message, and felt my stomach knot as I read the words 'So sorry, I have to cancel tonight.....' It went on, but that was the real part that mattered, and I felt let down and silly that I had planned, prepared for, got excited over, 4 dates which were over before they had even started.
I'm not one to feel sorry for myself, so I went down to the salon where my extensions had arrived. During the 3 hours of bum achingly application, Mr Date had gotten in touch with me. We had a little chat over the phone, where I told him I wasn't a push over, and that I had plenty going on so it really wasn't such an issue if he had no intention of ever meeting, id just have rather known. He gave me the reasons, which I decided were credible and I gave him the benefit of the doubt and believed him - by the end I left the salon with a head full of European prisoners hair fused to my own, and a 5th date, with Mr Date planned.
Now, you may be thinking 4 let downs! 4 excuses! Would you have believed him? Would you have given up? Or would you have given him one last shot, a benefit of the doubt?
I decided to, because I wasn't sure why but I wanted to meet him. From our conversations, I had a feeling we would get along, and I believed he was worth the investment in. The investment of Patience. Now, I'm not saying its always the case - because there are some absolute time wasters around who are not worth your Patience, or even your time. But sometimes you get that feeling, that makes you think it could all be worth it, when you know, you know.... and you have to go with that.
(Also, I felt by now like I had personally invested in meeting Mr date, and I at least wanted that - if only a meeting. I had invested my time, my money on making myself look my best for our dates, work as id moved stuff around to fit, countless text message and phone conversations - many abroad which I get charged a ridiculous amount for, So I felt worth my while to pursue him)
I also belive, like I said in a previous post, that feeling anger and bad feeling towards someone is just like swallowing poison and expecting someone else to get sick. You can always forgive, but just dont forget.
So we had a new plan! The 5th new plan : Drinks at a bar, followed by Dinner at a famous restaurant in London. Following day.
There wasn't much to prepare left seeing as id already prepped every inch of myself. My teeth were whitened already, my skin exfoliated, moisturised, toned, my eyebrows shaped and tinted, my hair highlighted, my nails manicured, my skin hosed down with a spray of St Tropez and every last bit of remaining body hair stripped away. So all there was to do, was have a nice relaxing bath - I used a little face mask for that spa feeling, the face mask was one of those £1 ones you buy in the packaging just for one use! I think there just as good as any others and you can try them all! After I decided to get an early night, for a full and restful sleep.......
The sound of my alarm fills the room, and I wonder for a few moments what day it is and what I am doing....
Feeling excited and full of butterfly's, I opened my eyes, remembered what day it was, and mentally prepared myself for the day ahead. As I looked over onto the table beside my bed, my blackberry was flashing red, to get my attention....
And there it was............
(Part two tomorrow)
Love and hugs, Baby Bow x x x
Ugh, I wanna know lol... TELL US MORE!!!!
ReplyDeleteIf this dude CANCELLED again, I'm hopping the next Red Eye out of Chicago over to the UK to give him a piece of my mind! Details...STAT!!! XOXO
ReplyDeleteAhh the suspense!!!