After introducing Mr BA yesterday, I thought I would introduce my next potential international sugar. Mr NY... yes you guessed it, Located in NY.
Like B.A, I am planning on meeting him in July.
Now, Mr NY is different to Mr B.A in many ways, firstly he has a lesser net worth and income (but still well able to be a sugar daddy for me) and he seems much warmer, and more genuine. I have a feeling he is a good person... He is very well known in what he does, and well respected but unlike B.A he is married.
This does bother me in a very small way, Il be honest, like a little niggling in the back of my mind. But my motto is, I'm not the one who is married. Surely the worry should really lie in his shoulders, and not mine.
I have enjoyed speaking to NY, and I have seen quite a few pictures of him and OMMMG I am attracted to him that is for sure. So far, so good for NY.
I'm trying to arrange my month, and how and when I'm going to fit these two dates in. I do have more potentials, but I'm focusing on these two and keeping the others chatting away until the time is right for them...
In both of these places, I know my way around a little and I know a few good places to go, but obviously only through a tourists eyes. Do you think it would be a good idea to get the potentials to meet me in my hotel bar/lobby and take me from there to our date... or meet them in chosen bar/restaurant?
What do you think are good first sugar dates? What do you like to do the first time you meet a potential?
Love Baby Bow x
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