So, it looked like it was all going well and I had potentials lined up left right and centre, but things have seemed to quieten down. My favorite Mr NY has been very quiet, saying he is ill, so we will have to see how that pans out. If I don't get a message in the next few days or a phone call then i think Il start to concentrate on some of the others.... Although Mr NY does claim to have a gift in the post for me. Hmmmmmm we shall see.
Right now I'm loving Mr BA. Ive spoken to him a few times on web cam and I think he is endearing. He looks like a lot of fun, and I know he is serious and will spoil me rotten. He has mentioned he is happy to pay my rent every month, and buy me gifts. I'm hoping I can start like that and then edge up the allowance from rent to a greater amount, but for now Im happy with that to start! My rent will be expensive! ;-)
So I have my flight all booked to see Mr BA in Miami, and I will keep you updated with all of the little details.
I'm just about to go for dinner, the weather in London is amazing at the moment, so I quite fancy sitting outside with some wine and my girlfriends.
Love Baby Bow x
Wow those sound like great prospects! I'm happy for you! <3