If like me...you are looking for a minted man, then I have a few tips I have picked up from other successful baby's and I shall pass them on :-)
Now, finding the Daddy of Sugar. Personally, I like to use websites such as seeking arrangement and sugardaddie.com. I find them the best of their kind, and although there are some unfortunate men, there are also many diamonds to be found!
I have also heard of other Sugar Baby's using Craig's list, but I have not tried this. Even some using Gum Tree, again, its not something I have tried out myself.
When you have found the guy you like, and a date is mentioned, think about the kind of situation you would prefer? On the one hand, some baby's like to meet for a coffee (quick, easy, and you may allow for multiple dates in one day, so go easy on the caffeine!) or on the other hand you may prefer to be wined and dined and make a fabulous evening of it.
I think both have advantages, a quick coffee means that you can leave pretty quickly if he has the looks of a bulldog and the wallet of a tramp. But a long dinner will lead to many clues to show you the guys wealth, and also you will get the chance to dress up and show how you are first class arm candy of the best possible kind!
I always think its good to keep a look out for;
A coutts bank card
A black American Express
A nice pair of shoes, classic wallet, and an expensive watch
Good fitting clothes
It is also important to watch the way your date interacts with people like the waiters, and bar staff... another tip when planning where to go is to ask him where he usually likes to go - and then pray its not pizza express.
This may all seem a little over the top or untrusting, but lets be honest there are some idiots out there who think you will get all dressed up and spend your time with them for absolutely nothing, without even a mention of our old friend Louis.
I personally like to speak about the 'arrangement' details, money...times per month...expectations etc before any meeting, as this saves your time if they are clueless and also is less awkward and you can then concentrate on having a fantastic night.
Love Baby Bow x
Thank you for the tips! Very useful!