When you are out with your sugar daddy, or on a date, how do you like to be treated? Are there certain things you look out for? Sure fire signs that impress you?
I have always been the kind of girl to like an older man, I like the sophistication, the way they walk, the way the talk. I think an older man carries himself in a way that guys my age just don't get.
I want to be taken to beautiful restaurants, I want him to show me the wine list and when it comes to pour each glass for me. I want him to ask me what I would like to eat, and order it on my behalf... I want him to open the car door, and to bring me gifts.... To hold a door open. I want him to know what I want in bed, and to satisfy me before he thinks of satisfying himself... If I'm thirsty in the night I want him to jump right out of bed and bring me water.
I know some may think this is old fashioned and some plain sexist, but I like to be taken care of by a man like this. And manners are all part of it!
I like a man to show a sense of selflessness, to think of me and others first, to show self control and honesty, these are all qualities that draw me... even more so than looks!
And if anyone has not been fortunate enough to date or be with a man like this, they do exist, you just have to seek them out.
I want a gentleman, not a man. And a true gentleman is always a gentleman, even when no one is looking ;-)
Love Baby Bow x
I totally agree, I find sophistication and class very sexy myself. I think a lot of guys my age are so immature and they don't even do anything to impress! My perfect SD would have refined manners and lovely character that I think can only come with maturity.
ReplyDeleteYou so right, Its such a shame that younger guys cant just learn these things, it makes sense and they would stand out from a crowd. I wonder if, like you say, it comes with maturity. I hope so. I hope it wont just die out! :-)
ReplyDeleteSo very true, most younger guys don't know what being a true gentleman is...it's really sad really.