Ive been catching up on the blogs, whilst generally staying in my PJ's and roaming around the house as Ive been a little ill, although I'm starting to feel better and the platinum lining is my tummy is flat as a pancake - good times!
From today I'm going to try to update each day, as I have lots to update!
One thing Ive noticed that I find interesting is other SB's pondering over a younger SD/older SD and what might be better, so I thought id give my two sugar cents. Everyones different, and everyone looks for different things, but I only like to find the Diamond Daddy's.... Maybe Ive mentioned that before?! :0)
With that in mind, I vote OLDER and here are the reasons why:
A Sugar daddy is someone accomplished. This doesn't mean 'has a good job' - anyone can have one of those. He has already earnt his majority of wealth, he may now be retired or winding down. He may be in the peak of his main job, the role he has been working towards for the last 30 years.
Lets take a regular 'CEO', for an example in this story. OK, so when 'CEO' was 21, he may have been hot, lets just say he was, so he was really freakin hot. He worked hard, went to UNI/COLLEGE whatever you like, graduated and started to work in his chosen field. He is now in his 30's, he may now meet a wife, he may not. He may start a family, he may not. What he certainly will be is busy.
A lot of his money will be tied up in a family, new/first homes, investments. His income - no matter how high - will more than likely not be disposable at this point. 'CEO' is working towards being a real CEO - Cheif Executive Officer of a company, and will reap the benefits in later years.
Lets look at CEO now, in his late 40's. This is when he is more likely to actually be a CEO. This is what he has waited to achieve, and this is when he will start to build a nice little pot of sugar.
In the 40-50-60's period, most people have done all of their working. They have the investments, the homes, the planes, the cars. Everything that a Sugar Baby looks for. They are now, and only now, in the position to financially care for a Sugar Baby and enjoy each others company.
So with this in mind, I do not see a man in his 30's as a Sugar Daddy. Sure, one day he will be. Sure, he will take you to a good restaurant and pick up the bill. Sure, he might buy you a pair of Louboutins. BUT - he wont hand you 5k the last day of the month, he wont buy you a car, or an apartment. He may mess you around, and you will be smarter than him.
I actually like dating older men. I can put my hand on my heart and say I find myself completely attracted to guys in the age ranges of 40-50. If I wasnt, maybe id still be out there looking for the younger ones? I dont know.
Besides, You can always have the sugar daddy and enjoy 'dating' the younger guys. In fact, if you quite fancy being a trophy wife then that may be the route you choose, exclusively.
Just remember, when it comes to real Sugar Daddys they know how lucky they are to have you, and they show it in the ways us Sugar Babys like... a younger guy may not feel quite as 'lucky' because he will have women dropping at his feet on a daily basis. Come on, he is hot rich single 30 year old. He can have whatever he likes. He isnt yet a daddy - in every meaning of the word.
Love, Baby Bow x
I absolutely agree. I find that the younger guys on SA are using that site as some kind of cheap form of prostitution. They'll see you once, and then you won't hear a word from them after your encounter. I don't really get that from older men. Sure, there are a few bad apples, but I find that the older men, as a whole, are more generous and understanding.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on this post. Generally speaking most real allowance providing SDs are in their 40's 50's 60's... however there are exceptions to each rule... and my current SD happens to be one... he hands me the 5k allowance each month, takes me out to the nice dinner and he is hot... clearly i got super duper lucky... 99% of the time this is not the case however... so I am always skeptical of young "SDs" as their idea of spoiling is usually nice dinner, ocassional shopping and travel... this works for SBs who are not looking for an allowance... unfortunately I am greedy and want it all LOL
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
I agree 100% ... really enjoyed the blog :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post Bow !
ReplyDeleteI agree completely even though I am a sucker for the hot gents in their thirties. I am getting past it though because I am realizing that the older men are VERY generous. One many was willing to pay me a couple hundred dollars to have coffee with him and keep it regardless of if we dated ! Most thirty year old men... might not do that.
Older daddies are very appreciative :) Its a nice feeling.
Very true...
ReplyDeleteI would also add that in my case, intimacy has always been AMAZING and so much better with older men ;-)
I have to agree too! Seen younger and older SDs and certainly older ones are more generous and more likely to hand you an allowance!
ReplyDeleteGreat advice. I love my salt and pepper hair SDs!!