Hello everyone!
OK, so its official, I am back - and I'm here to update you on my last month or so, although it feels much, much longer as Ive had so much going on!!
Id like to say hello to all of my new followers and apologise, I usually try to post at least twice a week but lately I have had some crazy times... all will be revealed!!
I think il start with an update for Mr Perfect, as you know this has been one of the most influential men in my search for the perfect sugar daddy, and is the most important to me. So things are going well, I am still unsure of where I stand, what my exact position is in his life - but - It finally happened - we kissed! It was great, felt entirely natural as I was worried after such a long wait it might be a little awkward, but I need not have worried, it was PERFECT.
He had picked me up from my new apartment, in one of his 20 - YES 20?!!!! - cars, a beautiful black Jaguar, and driven us to his house. This was the first time I had visited his house, although we had driven by a few times and he had pointed it out. The house, well, where do I start. This is Perfects main property, as he owns them all over the world and a number of places in London, but this is his 'Home'.
The house is a sprawling mansion, set on acres and acres of land. The house is an old listed building, and I could imagine characters from a Jane Austin novel wandering around the grounds whilst reading a book and basking in the sunshine!
Inside, the house looked exactly like id imagined. Not at all modern, but scattered with antiques and trinkets, floor to ceiling bookcases, grand pianos and imposing dark wood. Very dramatic, and a little eerie, I'm not sure I could live there alone!
I laughed when I mentioned how the house reminded me of a film set, how I could imagine walking into the Library, pulling on the spine of a book id chosen to read, and the whole bookcase spinning to reveal a secret room. Perfect laughed, and took my hand, taking me into a hallway between the bathroom and the dining room. There was a cabinet, with a few framed photographs resting on its shelves. He took my right hand and reached it into the right hand corner, pushing down as he did. To my amazement the thing started to move back, and low and behold behind the cabinet was a secret space, not really a room, but big enough for it to hold a safe. CAN YOU IMAGINE!!! Hilarious!
We settled down in the lounge, and we ordered some food from a local Michelin starred restaurant, take out style! I had crispy prawn won tons and dim sum, and we shared a bottle of wine.
As the evening drew to a close, we hopped back into the Jag and set of for home. Just before he started the engine, he turned to me, cradled his neck in my hand - and kissed me :) YES! FINALLY!!
Over the last month of so we have been doing what we always do, we meet for dinner, go dancing or have drinks, spend the day together shopping and spoiling me, we speak every day on the phone and we are very close in that respect. Sometimes he picks me up and drives me to his airplane, and we fly over to Jersey or up to Ireland for dinner. Its truly amazing and an experience I always want. I think he is a brilliant man, inspiring and intelligent, and I have come to realise that id like him with or without a sugar coating.
I could go into detailed posts about our rendezvous, but I have so much other stuff to tell that I think il save such posts for later on... so expect to hear more, watch this space.
Baby Bow xx