After the day of shopping with my friends, I met back at the hotel and after a quick freshen up had the best dinner at Nobu, which is actually inside another amazing hotel, Atlantis, nestled on the palm a short drive away (Pictured above).
To dinner I wore an amazing corset I picked up in forever 21 - US baby's can find it in the Alice in wonderland collection - I LOVE! :-) Its cream and peach with clocks all over, and grey satin flowers around the top, and it was only about $20! I wore it tucked into a white bandage style body-con high waisted pencil skirt, with peach heels.
There was a big group of us at dinner as some of his Dubai friends came along, they were nice enough, although it was all men and me, but they really took care of me and I felt like a princess all evening. I usually have the same thing at Nobu London, but in Dubai the menu was different so I tried the Yellow Tail Sashimi with Jalapenos, and for main I had the fillet of Salmon with Avocado Tempura.... yum. I decided to not drink any alcohol so opted for Green tea.
That evening I had a great sleep and woke up refreshed and ready for the races! We ordered some room service pancakes, fruit, yogurt and coffee (Yes all I did this trip was EAT) and got dressed, I loved the dress and shall post a picture on my face book, although the feathers went a little crazy so the hair took a while to tame!
The races was a lot of fun, and much more extravagant than I ever expected, far more so than at home. I felt a little out of place, as most people in the area I was sat seemed very 'horsey' and really knew their stuff, I can chat to anybody so it wasn't a problem and I am pretty good at blagging it! I did sometimes wish I was just down at the regular bar and not in the posh area, as it seemed a little more relaxed and less pretentious, but I managed to bring the tone down by dancing on a table at some point anyway!! Mission accomplished!
I didn't win anything, although my 'allowance' was intended for betting, I took an interest in other peoples bets and I placed a few on horses with names that made me laugh, or reminded me of people I knew... there were no inspired choices and that showed in my losses!
After the races, it was a very quiet night as too much alcohol had been consumed in the blazing heat of the sun, and tidiness started to set in. After a relaxing sleep I woke up, and went to the gym for a quick Pilate's session before going to the airport to catch the flight home. I flew home alone as business was to carry on in Dubai, and I had to get back for my own job.
I quite enjoyed flying home on my own, I changed into Pjs right away and ate ice cream and watched movies, read magazines and generally chilled out. I had lots of thinking time on the flight, and I realised that the whole sugar search for me is just so much fun, I cant believe some of the experiences it has bought to me.
In all of this, this certain perfect individual is more than I could ever want, or would have ever expected to find, and I like and respect him very much. At the moment we have a strange relationship, which I have decided to post in more detail about next time... it might surprise a few of you, and it has me a little confused too...
I had a wonderful, unexpected trip and have been invited on something similar later in the summer. At the moment I'm hoping il have the time off work - if not guess who is getting the man flu in July!
That's all for now, will post again soon,
Baby Bow xx